Wednesday, September 4, 2013


"I've successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns."
"Mr. Stark displays textbook... narcissism. "
"Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doing..."
"I just want to talk to you for a minute, well, make that 30 seconds..."
"She's fluent in French, Italian, Russian, Latin. Who speaks Latin?"
"I told you I don't want to join your super-secret boy band."
"He was cold, calculating, never told me he loved me, didn't even tell me that he liked me, so it's a bit hard for me to digest that he said the whole future is riding on me thing, you're talking about a man who's happiest day of his life was shipping me off to boarding school."
"I'm sorry. I don't wanna get on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye? Honest, I'm a bit hung over. I'm not sure if your real of if I'm having... "
"My bond is with the people, and I will serve this great nation at the pleasure of myself. If there's one thing I've proven it's that you can count on me to pleasure myself."
"The party's over. Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago. The after party starts in 15 fifteen minutes."

Here the work of art...

Acrylic on canvas
40 x 50 cms.
Hope you like it!!!